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run-free File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
callbacks.c [code]Callback function deffinitions
callbacks.h [code]Callback functions for the application
comboBox.c [code]Provide comboBox functionality
comboBox.h [code]ComboBox specific functions
comboHandlers.c [code]Handle comboBox operations
comboHandlers.h [code]Various handlers based on comboBox data
commonDefs.h [code]Common deffinitions
debug.h [code]Run-free debug macros
help.h [code]Run-free main include file
interface.c [code]Interface function definitions. This file was originally created by glade
interface.h [code]Interface globals and functions These functions were originall created by glade (gtk1.2)
kbhit.c [code]Handle console keyboard functionality
kbhit.h [code]Console keyboard keyHit functionality
main.c [code]Run-free main file
main.h [code]Run-free main include file
support.c [code]Glade, blah support functions DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is generated by Glade
support.h [code]Support functionality This file was originally created by glade

Generated on Thu Mar 18 07:26:17 2004 for run-free by doxygen 1.3.5